Learn the basics and point of acupuncture and how it can benefit your recovery process!

What is Acupuncture & How Does it Work?
Acupuncture is the process of inserting very thin needles in certain points along the meridians that run all over your body( See the picture below). There are over 2000 points across the body; including ear, face, hands, and feet! These points are associated with certain conditions, pain management, and balancing the flow of energy or Qi/ Chi of your body. By targeting certain points and problem areas that you may be experiencing, stimulate the nerves, muscles, and surrounding tissue to promote the natural healing and repair process.

What is it used for?
Acupuncture is a great therapy for a variety of different conditions, these are some of the most common applications.
Neck Pain
Low Back Pain
TMJ problems
Tennis Elbow
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Musculoskeletal Conditions
Myofascial pain
Menstrual Cramps
Pain Management
Digestive problems
And many more!
What are the benefits?
Some of the main benefits of acupuncture are:
Reduce Stress/Axniety
Pain Relief
Headache Relief
Relief from joint or muscle pain
Increased immunity
Improved digestion
Improved sleep
And much more!

What does acupuncture feel like?
Acupuncture needles are extremely thing and most people do not feel anything when the needles are inserted in. Some effects that may be felt after the needles are inserted in are lightness, relaxation, warmth in that area, or heaviness.
Curious if acupuncture can help you? Schedule your acupuncture appointment with us at our two locations in Fort Worth!
Contact us at Forward Chiropractic & Wellness for any questions you may have!